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Telma João Santos
Making sense of a relational model within artistic creation (RMAC) through interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)", Qual. Res. Jour., Vol. 23 Issue 3, pp. 313-324, 2023.
Local estimates for functionals rotationally invariant with respect to the gradient. e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 56-64, December 2022.
A flashmob as a case study for a Methodology: within Group Artistic Creation (MGAC), PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research, Vol 5, Issue 1, December 2022.
Confinamento, in “Corpos em Confinamento”, org. Francesca Rayner, eds Hilda de Paulo and Tales Frey, Performatus, Ed 21, Year 8, no 21, 2020.
Local Estimates for Minimizers, Embodied Techniques and (Self) Re-presentations Within Performance Art. In: Emmer M., Abate M. (eds) Imagine Math 7. Springer, 2020.
Building Strength, a methodological approach in performance art context, Diacrítica, Vol 33, no 1, pp 143-157, 2019.
Mathematics and Performance Art: first steps on an open road, Leonardo Journal, Vol 52, no 5, pp 461-467, 2019.
Entre a investigação matemática e a criação artística: um caminho por percorrer, Actas do “Workshop Matemática e Arte”, Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 2017.
"On Self Codes: a case study in between mathematics and performance art" Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts , 2017
Entre o Pensamento Matemático e a Arte da Performance: questões, analogias e paradigmas, PhD thesis in Arts, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016
"Local Estimates for functionals depending on the gradient with a perturbation", J. Math Anal. and Appl. , 2016
"On turbulence: in between mathematics and performance" Performance Research , 2014
"Matemática e Movimento em Performance: um estudo de caso" Conference Paper - PT, FLUL, 2014
"On a Multiplicity: deconstructing cartesian dualism using maths tools" Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 2014
"Performance as Remediation where the concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy converge", CIEBA-FBAUL, 2013
"An extremal property of the inf- and sup- convolutions regarding the Strong Maximum Principle", with V.V. Goncharov 8th ISAAC Congress, Moscow, 2012
"Local Estimates for minmizers of some convex integral functional of the gradient and the Strong Maximum Principle", with V.V. Goncharov Set Valued and Var.Anal., 2011
Some versions of the Maximum Principle for elliptic integral functionals, PhD thesis in Mathematics, Universidade de Évora, 2011.
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